
i wish there wasn’t a stigma about doing things alone. you can’t go out to eat alone, you can’t see a movie alone, basically anything fun, you’re looked down on for doing alone and it’s so stupid you shouldn’t need other people to validate your decisions

God, yes. And I used to be so awkward about doing things on my own - I hated it, because I felt like everyone was looking at me thinking ‘She must have no friends, having to do that by herself’, but you know what? As soon as you think ‘fuck it’ and do it anyway, it’s actually really great doing stuff on your own. And I love doing stuff with friends too, but I’d actually really miss doing stuff alone if they all started coming with me every single time, now!

@темы: my life, i always get descended on by sweet old ladies who want to be friends with the lonely twentysomething, in my experience, is cheltenham literature festival, it's genuinely really great, the best place to go on your own