I met Barney off CBBC today! Hahahahaha xD
I’m doing voluntary work on the Welsh Proms this week and he was the presenter of the kids’ concert we had this afternoon. I was in charge of his spotlight (exciting stuff :P) and then we all got pictures afterwards. FUN DAY. And one of the guys I’m working with a lot is apparently the bassist from Catatonia, which is pretty damn cool to me even if nobody else cares (also he’s really nice and really helpful and we had a good chat about Shakespeare so he’s cool Catatonia or no Catatonia)
Anyway, today was the BEST. Worked over 13 hours with very little break (though a lot of it was sitting around on my arse watching concerts and occasionally flicking a switch so I can’t complain) and I really really loved it. I want to do this as my actual career SO BADLY. SOOOOO BADLYYYYYYYY!