

I am pretty sure dayseats went to the back when Entry Pass started. in my experience (and you know I see everything) Entry Pass are always in the first 2 rows unless attached to an education event.

Nah, it was during Stoops that the dayseats changed, it was really annoying because we’d dayseated twice before and been centre front row then when we went to the last performance suddenly it was ‘Oh, they’re not front row anymore’ - WHAT. Actually they did have a few (which we got) but they were right at the side. Frankenstein I got entry pass seats in B & C but had to queue up for A. Don’t really mind generally as I don’t feel the need to be in A for everything (like Captain of Kopenick, I actually thought the view was better when we sat at the back than at the front, it was a bit too close for that one!) but row A really was very nice for Stoops ;)

Me too! I was in the circle both times I saw it, so couldn’t see anyone’s faces and therefore had no idea who John was or that he was even in it until friends told me and fangirled over him afterwards. Thank God for Stoops, that’s all I’ll say. :P

Ah, Stoops. I miss it so. Still think it was my favourite play from the whole of last year <3 Plus I distinctly remember looking at the programme before the first time we went and thinking ‘John Heffernan…I do remember the name, but not the face…’ and then I’m sure the first thing I said in the interval was ‘I LOVE JOHN HEFFERNAN. I LOVE HIM.’ Yes…god bless Stoops xD

@темы: fantasticmeretricious, anotherboywholived, i think that's enough tags now, i'm talking about heff far too much this evening really, sorry to bore everyone who doesn't care about him, though btw you are missing out on so much awesome, which is probably 95% of my followers

Is the front row of the Olivier still cheap? I looked at day seating for Othello a few weeks ago, but it said that day seats were in row G of the circle. I don’t know if that’s a permanent change though. :/

Row G of the circle?! *sadface* I knew they changed them (mostly because of the last Stoops, which I still consider really cruel timing) but I didn’t realise they were that far back :( The front few rows are still

@темы: because CHANGES HAPPEN and I DON'T KNOW :(, fantasticmeretricious, this is another reason to hate being too poor to see everything at the nt these days


Benny and his suits of mass seduction.

@темы: benedict cumberbatch

My entry pass runs out at the end of September! *forever sad* I’m just going to try to squeeze a couple in before that (I think it might be on on my birthday, which would be perfect) and then hopefully treat myself to once in October. At least front row is the cheap seats ;) I’m rubbish at getting round to reading things in time, but that sounds very promising :D

Haha, I decided it was alright to enjoy that scene because he was only pretending so it’s okay :P Also it took my mind off his lack of hair for a little while. That made me a bit sad. Well…very sad…

That is a VERY good thought! Lucky you! :D For some reason when I booked it said that rows A and B weren’t available - something like ‘not in use in this production’, which I thought was weird because I could see from twitter that people had been sitting in A and B in other performances - so I just went for C and thought that’ll do. Can’t complain about C, really! But that’s just another excuse to go again, I reckon ;D

Yaaaay! I do very much appreciate that :D I must say, I had heard the cake part is good. I CANNOT WAIT *grin* Did you see The Physicists? Is it as good as when he covered himself in the suncream/moisturiser/whatever that white stuff was meant to be?! Because I LOVED that part ;)

Monday’s the first time for me but I’m hoping I might get to go again…for starters I have a friend that hasn’t seen him in anything before but I KNOW she’ll adore him so I want to drag her along to see him at some point. I’m just a bit short of money at the moment, or I’d have been already :( (And I’m likely to go slightly mental with Edward II, so I’m trying not to spend all my money before that starts booking *failing*)

*claps excitedly*

Love this <3

Room Eleven - Faith

@темы: music, room eleven




Everyone who reblogs this will get the title of a book to read based on their bio/posts.

Everyone. I mean it.




they really do mean everyone

@темы: books


Slot Canyons of the American Southwest

Few places on Earth have such beauty and mystique on an intimate scale as the delicately sculptured and colored slot canyons of the American Southwest. There are thousands of scenic canyons in this region but most are relatively wide; in contrast, slot canyons have vertical walls and may be hundreds of feet deep but only a few feet wide.

The general rock is sandstone, in various shades of red and orange; it is sunlight, shining down and reflecting along the canyon walls that gives the canyons their special beauty; the shadows and colors change constantly as the sun moves overhead.

@темы: wowwww


Harry Melling & John Heffernan- The Hothouse opening night.

@темы: john heffernan, harry melling, *excited for monday*, yeah i reblogged this already but so what



Please can someone post something Heffy because I just looked in the tag and the last few were all me and now I feel like an obsessed weirdo but I WANT MORE HEFF. Because REASONS.

*watches Love and Marriage again*

@темы: fangirl problems

““Books are for people who wish they were somewhere else.””

- Mark Twain (via lazydayliterature)


Feeling so hard music inside of you!

*waves at self in audience*

That was SUCH a good gig :D

@темы: jamie cullum, *grins*, you can only see half my face but still



Oh, I’m not very good at these - I’m not very interesting!

  1. I can recite root pi to 30 decimal places like the Doctor does in Midnight (and you know what else, I could do it before the episode aired :P)

  2. I’ve been nerding around with family history stuff recently and can trace my direct ancestors all the way back to William the Conqueror, via Edward I, II, III and all that lot *is secretly a princess* (This of course makes it extra specially exciting to me that lovely John Heffernan is playing my great great great… grandad at the National soon xD)

  3. I have a bit of a reputation with my Jamie Cullum fan friends for crying every single time without fail that I see him live. Kind of embarrassing but I can’t help it *sad*

  4. I’ve been playing piano since I was five but I’m still really crap :(

  5. I once wrote a (very short) play that was displayed on the wall at the Royal Court in London.

  6. One time I saw Doctor Who filming the crew let my friends and I eat David and Catherine’s leftover sandwiches.

  7. I make a bloody brilliant banoffee pie, even if I do say so myself :P

  8. I had to have a blood test on Thursday to see if there’s anything wrong with my heart :(

  9. I have genuinely run out of even vaguely interesting things to say about myself because I am BORING.

  10. My Iceland trek for Maggie’s is in TEN DAYS and I’m really fucking terrified now (who’s stupid idea was this anyway? :P) so if you’d like to sponsor me here that’d be really awesome (I had to get that in somewhere, didn’t I? xD)