O Duo - Chopin’s Minute Waltz
Wish these guys would come and play near me again. They were so, so good, and so much fun <3
We have now established that Benedict changes his haircut and hair colour more than he changes his clothes. Wtaf.
hahahaha. He can wear this everyday at my house, if he wants to
Hahaha, this was the first thing I thought when I saw the new one too xD
function checkPost(postID, mutePosts)
var rootID = $(postID).readAttribute('data-root-post-id');
if (mutePosts.indexOf(rootID) != -1)
var postIDNum = postID.substring('like_button_'.length);
tmute(postIDNum, rootID, false);
addX(postID, rootID);
// ]]>//
function delMute(id, post)
var mutePosts = getMute();
localStorage.setItem("tmute", mutePosts);
/*$('tunmute-' + post).up().setAttribute('class', 'post not_mine');
$('tunmute-' + post).fade();
$('tmuted-' + post).toggle();*/
$('tunmute-' + post).innerHTML = 'You sure punk?? Yes. ';
// ]]>//
function addMute(id)
var mutePosts = getMute();
localStorage.setItem("tmute", mutePosts);
// ]]>//
function getMute()
var mute = localStorage.getItem("tmute");
if (mute == null)
return [];
mute = mute.split(',');
return mute;
// ]]>//
function tmute(post, id, newID)
hidePost = $$('a[data-root-post-id="' + id + '"]');
for (var i = 0; i < hidePost.length; i++)
var mutePost = hidePost[i].up().up();
//if (hidePost[i].up().up().readAttribute('class').search('same_user_as_last') == -1 && hidePost[i].up().up().next().readAttribute('class').search('same_user_as_last') > -1)
if (mutePost.readAttribute('class').search('same_user_as_last') == -1)
// mutePost.next().readAttribute('class').search('same_user_as_last') > -1
var nextPost = mutePost.next();
while (nextPost.readAttribute('tmute') != null)
nextPost = nextPost.next();
if (mutePost.next().readAttribute('class') == null)
nextPost = nextPost.next();
if (nextPost.readAttribute('class').search('same_user_as_last') > -1)
nextPost.setAttribute('class', nextPost.readAttribute('class').replace('same_user_as_last', ''));
var newPost = nextPost.readAttribute('id').substring(nextPost.readAttribute('id').search('_')+1);
var newMenu = $('user_menu_' + post);
newMenu.setAttribute('id', 'user_menu_' + newPost);
mutePost.setAttribute('tmute', true);
mutePost.setAttribute('class', 'notification single_notification ');
mutePost.innerHTML = '
SCREEN May 2013 issue
DVD & Blu-ray VISION April 2013 issue
Is it just me, or do these both get more attractive as they get bigger? Not the same prettiness, bigger, but extra prettiness. Does that even make sense? It makes sense in my head… Oh well, whatever. Essentially - PRETTY <3
SCREEN May 2013 issue
DVD & Blu-ray VISION April 2013 issue
nice find! apparently it’s for LA Times